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Marketing Automation as catalyst for your organization  Setting goals is just the beginning. To drive real change and achieve digital transformation, efficient resource utilization is key. With marketing automation, leverage evolving technology to enhance your organization's efficiency and propel it to the next level. Articles|5 min Vrije Universiteit Brussel Vrije Universiteit Brussel, also known as VUB, is a leading player in Belgian Higher Education and is making its mark in Brussels, Belgium and across the world. This dynamic university is driven by its commitment to deliver high-quality education and conduct wide-ranging research. Welcoming approximately 20,000 students, and collaborating with its affiliated university hospital, VUB fosters a diverse and collaborative community that thrives on knowledge, innovation, and societal impact. Cases|5 min Christelijke Mutualiteit With over 4 million members and a nationwide presence, Christelijke Mutualiteit (CM) is the leading health insurance fund in Belgium. CM is committed to ensuring comprehensive and inclusive healthcare and offers a wide range of services and benefits that cater to the needs of their members. But CM goes beyond mere medical intervention; they aim to empower their members to lead healthier lives by providing proactive advice on nutrition, exercise, mental well-being, and much more. Cases|5 min
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